The days are gone long back when men were considered as the sole bread-earner of a family, and Globalization has bought a deep-seated shift in the standing of women worldwide. However, with the arrival of women in the conventional workforce of India, issues concerning sexual harassment at the workplace have significantly increased. Not only does it result into gender discrimination but violates the fundamental rights provided under Article 14, 15, and 21 as well.
Sexual Harassment at Workplace creates both an insecure and hostile working atmosphere for women and also hampers their ability to deliver in this competitive world. Apart from work performance, sexual harassment badly affects the social and economic growth of a woman and makes her suffer both emotionally and physically.
The first Indian legislation specifically dealing with the issue of workplace harassment is the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013, which was passed by the Ministry of Women and Child Development.
The Act was enacted in consonance to the Hon’ble Supreme Court’s landmark judgment named the Vishaka V. State of Rajasthan. In this case, certain guidelines and directions were issued by the Apex Court, wherein it was made compulsory for every employer to set up a mechanism to redress the grievances concerning workplace sexual harassment issues.
SJ Juris significantly deals with the cases of workplace sexual harassment and strongly believes that every employee, irrespective of the level of work, wage, and industry, has a basic right to be free from sexual misconduct. Therefore, our attorneys handle such cases with utmost dedication and seriousness.